The Stockroom Overfloweth

Below are images and information about work from the stockroom.
Please contact us about anything you are interested in.
All prices are in New Zealand dollars.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Megan Campbell

Park Rites, 2009, $2200

Various ways to enter heaven, 2009, $3400

Family Therapy, 2009, $3000

Compassion, 2009, $1600

Hope, 2009, $1600

Lauren Lysaght

Black crow 2008, $600

Three tears cake 2008, $1000

A guilty party, 2008

Pomander series: Flashblack, 2008, $875

Gary Freemantle

Gary Freemantle currently has a show on at Mahara Gallery in Waikanae so it seems a good opportunity to features some of his figure work in the stock room.

'Red Hoody' 2007 oil on canvas, 620 x 620mm, $6000

Thug, 2010, oil on canvas, 330 x 330mm framed, $800

Mizi, 2010, oil on canvas, 330 x 330mm framed, $800